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What is the best way to use and implement the curriculum?
First: Ask yourself how much time do I have each week to devote to 2Words?
Our Athletics Schedule is very tight:
- Read the quotes of the day, everyday and have them posted where your athletes will see them (locker room, field house, weight room, etc).
- Make sure your coaches are aware the “3 Things to Look out For” and are reinforcing those traits throughout the week.
- Print out, or upload the content to a LMS (Google Classroom, Schoology, etc) and assign your athletes a week at a time.
- At the end of the week, during warm-up stretching or cool downs, have 2-3 athletes and a coach share what the lesson meant to them.
I have about 10-15 minutes a week:
- Read through the Coaches page on “3 Things to Look Our For” and reinforce those traits with your athletes throughout the week.
- Watch the video lesson on Monday (or on your day of choice).
- Read and post the quote of the day, every day
- Make the captains and athletes page available on a LMS (Google Classroom, Schoology, etc) or print it out for athletes to take home and review on their own time
I have 10 minutes a day or 30-40 minutes a week:
- Read the quote of the day every dat. Read through the Coaches page on “3 Things to Look Our For” and reinforce those traits throughout the week
- DAY 1: Watch the video lesson
- DAY 2: Split into position groups or small groups. Complete the athletes page
- DAY 3: Split into position groups or small groups. Complete the captains page
- DAY 4: Have 3 athletes share, for 3 minutes each, what the lesson meant for them
I have 15-25 minutes a day:
- DAY 1: Watch the curriculum video on your day of choice. Have a coach share their thoughts on the video lesson.
- DAY 2: Split into position groups or small groups. Complete the athletes page and have a representative from each group share with the whole group.
- DAY 3: Split into position groups or small groups. Complete the captains page and have a representative from each group share with the whole group.
- DAY 4: Have 2-3 students and 1 coach share what they learned this week/ what they are working on/ how they are challenging themselves/ etc. Have the coach share anything contextual to the team.
- DAY 5 (optional): In small groups, or as a whole group, complete the family page together (replace family language with team language).
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2Words is a video-based, character development curriculum. It’s designed for coaches and written for secondary athletes across all sports.
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