We all have different things that help us to get fired up to do something difficult. Maybe it’s a song, a secret handshake with a workout buddy, or a chant. Whatever it is, you probably already know that thing can fail you. Sometimes, when you really don’t want to do what you need to do, the secret motivation sauce doesn’t work, and you’re left asking: How do I find motivation to do what I don’t want to do?
The answer is choosing your standards over your feelings. Or in a single word: discipline.
Pillar: Work Ethic
Key Topics: work ethic, discipline, motivation, how to do what you don't want to do, standards, want to, core values
The answer is choosing your standards over your feelings. Or in a single word: discipline.
Pillar: Work Ethic
Key Topics: work ethic, discipline, motivation, how to do what you don't want to do, standards, want to, core values
When someone gives up, it's usually not because they are incapable of continuing, but because they become discouraged. As Daniel Eckstein said, "Encouragement closes the gap between a person's potential and their self-imposed limitations." To be good teammates, we need to help our teammates close the gap. To do that, we've got to become elite encouragers.
Pillar: Servant Leadership
Key Topics: servant leadership, encouragement, encouraging others, supporting others, positive confrontation, set the example, leadership skills, believe in others
Pillar: Servant Leadership
Key Topics: servant leadership, encouragement, encouraging others, supporting others, positive confrontation, set the example, leadership skills, believe in others
We’ve all had competitive moments where we go from only giving half effort to being GAME ON. For Coach Mackey, one such moment was with his oldest son Harrison, when they were playing a video game against each other. The way that they competed with each other while playing the game showed how much they value each other.
When you compete, it shows who you value and how much you value them, based on the way that you do it. When you value someone a lot, you’ll go GAME ON when you compete against or alongside them, no matter where you’re competing and what competition means in that place.
Pillar: Growth Mindset
Key Topics: Growth mindset, total effort, competition, value, respect, FAMILY, Forget About Me I Love You, caring for others
When you compete, it shows who you value and how much you value them, based on the way that you do it. When you value someone a lot, you’ll go GAME ON when you compete against or alongside them, no matter where you’re competing and what competition means in that place.
Pillar: Growth Mindset
Key Topics: Growth mindset, total effort, competition, value, respect, FAMILY, Forget About Me I Love You, caring for others
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Stephen Mackey, CEO & Founder
Stephen Mackey is a player development coach, keynote speaker, Wall Street Journal best-selling author, and founder of 2Words Character Development, one of the top Leadership and character curriculums in the country. Building on the Six Pillars of a Championship Character – Toughness, Integrity, Belief, Excellence, Effort, and Service – Mackey equips teams and organizations to elevate their performance by building a culture of character.